What is the availability heuristic?

  • de kans ope en gebeurtenis of grootte van een categorie inschatten met het gemak waarmee relevante voorbeelden in je op komen.


    Omdat dingen uit grote categorieen of waarschijnlijke gebeurtenissen meestal makkelijker in je op komen

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  •  To judge frequency of an event based on how easy it is to recall similar instances - "if you can think of it, it must be important.”

    ---> Can lead to systematic errors when judging probability

    (p. 450 Sternberg textbook)

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  • The ease with which the instances can be "brought to mind"

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  • Not considering all alternatives for a solution, but restricting yourself to those memories that pop up first (for example something that you have just read or experienced). The easier it is to remember a solution/situation, the more likely it appears.

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  • When things that come to mind easier are judged to be more likely, frequent, probable etc. These things are judged to be more  important, likely, or common. Availability relates to accessibility:
    • How easily something comes to mind
    • Perceptions and intuitions come to mind effortlessly 

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  • Availability Heuristic
    Problem: people remember memorable events such as shark attacks or terrorism for example. Then you base your judgement on a small group.

    Frequency/probability is judged by the ease with which people can think of instances
    What makes something more salient/easily retrievable?
    • Recent
    • Familiar
    • Personal
    • Important

    Travel insurance example of availability
    a) How much would you pay for an insurance that returns $100.000 if you die abroad
    b) How much would you pay for an insurance that returns $100.000 if you die in a terrorist incident abroad
    People were willing to pay more for option B! While A is more likely to happen
     Availability  Affect heuristic (substituting fear)

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