x-linked inheritance

  • Where the x chromosome has a property which in females are needed two of and only one in male.

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  • Where the X chromosome has a property which in females are needed two of and only one in male.

    When you make a cross between male and female it is: ww x WY (recessive x linked, so female has it and male not. After cross: Ww Ww wY wy, 50% is male and all males are infected and 50% is females and all female are carrier.

    When you cross an infected male wY with a hetero female wW, you will get: Ww ww wY WY, so 50% is female and one half is carrier and one half is infected. The 50% males that is produced, one half that is infected and one half that is not infected. Fig. 2.19

    P --> F1: all female hetero : all male infected --> F2: half female hetero half infected : half male normal half infected

    When P = normale female x infected male

    P --> F1: all female hetero : all male normale --> F2: half female hetero half normal : half male norma half infected

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