• Media Vs. Communication:
-task of today's medial planner, has become borader;
-evaluate all kind of "brand contact", wherever and however they occur;
-the key with all of these communications is that they must be intergrated with the traditional plan;
-will all media-planning elements, the selcetions must tie fully into the brand's marketing and media objectives;

  • Media Categories:
-what can different media offer you as an advertiser, coveying and avertising message;
-consider the 6 major media categories (TV,radio,Internet,magazines, newspapers,outdoor);
-categorizing the media:
  1. Print media:(magazines, newspapers,outdoor billboards)
  2. Electronic Media:(TV,radio, Internet)
-we can also make a disctinction between media that are predominantly local (newspapers,outdoor billboards,radio) and national (TV,Internet,magazines).

  1. TV
-Broadcats TV programming is usually divided in 2 ways:
  1. by daypart-daypart refers to the time of the day the program airs (9standard dayparts)
  2. by format-program format (eg.animation/childern;game shows;news;movies)
-There are 4 Main Types of TV to consider:
  1. Network -each station receives a ste amount of money every year from the network, in return for which they agree to air national programs for a given number of hours every week;
-stations not affeliated with a network are called independents;
  1. Syndication (2) - one of the major sources for independent stations is syndicated programing;
-syndiated programs can air at different times on different networks in different markets;
-eg. of syndicated shows (Friends;the X-Files;Oprah)
-the gola of m,any network programs is to produce enough episodes to go into syndicated marketplace (usually 10 episodes);
  1. Spot (Local) (3) - spot TV is another way to purchase TV time. Here, instad of contracting with the Network to distribute a commercial to all the network's affiliate stations across the country, and advertiser can pick and choose which programs and stations to use, placing the mesage in various "spots" across the country.
-spot TV is sold either by individual station or by station reps (representative firms) - they can put packages of stations together (unwired networks (cause they are not connected)
  1. Cable

2 main types of radio advertising network (national) and spot (local) - the way programs and ads are distributed is similar to that of network and spot broadcast TV.

1.Network Radio:
-newtwrok radio is less important than local radio to advertisers;
-a message distributed via satellite to each network's affiliate stations.
-from an advertising perspective, one key benefit of using network radio is that you can go through a single source to place your ads across the country.

2.Spot (Loacal) Radio:
-you can buy stations on a market-by-market basis;
-this way you can select the exact stations and/or markets in which you wish to advertise; (also customize the message to each location)
-some stations are linked together (advertisers can buy time via reps);

3. Sattelite Radio:
- special receivers in roder to tune in to these srvices, and have to pay a monthly subsctription;
-some of them don't include ads in their programming;
-provide some niche radio station (eg. college alumni);

Stream Audio- listening to radio via their PCs through a tehcnology called streaming audio.

Benefits of Radio to Advertisers:

  • provide the opportunity to reach targeted audiences frequently at a reasonable cost;
  • Local Appeal - listened primarily as a local medium;
  • the medium provides you with targeted specific audiences;
  • Imagery Transfer -radio is seen as a secondary medium, sed in conjunction with a mojor print or TV campaign,power of radio ds to create a visual image in listener's minds form the TV commercials they have seen from the same brand.
  • building frequency- on radion because the costa are so low, it makes sense to buy a lot of time and build up frequency against your target group;
  • radio and purchasing - !!Research shows that the time between media exposure and purchase is shorter for radio than for any toehr traditional medium, (eg. your potential consumers might be listening while they are making their purchase decisions.)
  • Flexible message: you can chaneg the message at a very short notice; you ca vary the message for different dayparts or station formats; also flexibility to tie in to local retailers or other promotional opportunities such as local contests or events;
Drawbacks of Radio Advertising:

-background medium-can only offer sound, rather than sight and motion of TV;
-Short message life- ads on the medium have a very short message life- one the ad has aired the opportunity for exposure has disappeared.
-Fragmentation-of the medium (eg, country stations);each one appears to different kinds of people, so if you want to reach them all, you would have to buy each type of country station;Audience shares, particularly in major markets may be very small, which makes it hard to use the medium as a reach vehicle.

3. Print Press:
- Newspapers:
-newspapers are one of the oldest media forms; they were also the first media to receive advertising;

-Newspaper audiences are measured in terms of circulation (or the number of people who subscribe to or purchase the newspaper).
-in the past decade there has been a decline in the % of the population that reads newspapers daily. /readership figure is lower among younger people;
- suburban or weekly newspapers- the focus of these titles is more local;

  • Newspaper Advertising Revenue
Types of newspaper advertising:
-the largest part of newspaper ad revenue comes from retailers;
-classified ads (eg. real-estate, automotive);
-the one placed on national level (all or most )papers;

- newspapers also offer a medium within a medium , in the for of free-standing inserts (FSIs) (newspaper supplements) - these are pre-printed sheets that usually distributed wiht the Sunday paper, most of them carry coupons.

Benefits of newspapers to Adcertisers:

-Timeliness - newspapers are filled with "news";
-Desireable Audience- newspeper readers are likely to be educated and involved in up-scale activities;plus readers spend a considerable amount of time with the newspaper, which offers the media specialist more opprotunity to provide detailed info;
- Impact of Editorial - you can choose which section of the newspaper your ad is placed in;(eg.putting food ads in the food section; investment advice in the business section); -This effectively narrows your reach to those consumers most likely to in interested in you product/service.
- Local and regiona possibilities - advertisers are usually reluctant to use newspapers on a national basis, they rely on them heavily on local or regiona makreting;

Drawbacks of Newspaper Advertising:

- Today or Never - short issue life- at the end of each day the newspaper is usually discarded;
-Active readers - it is up to the reader to actively choose what to look at-the challenge of grabbing the reader's attention;
-Black and White- poor quality of paper it is printed on;

4. Magazines:

-have greater specialization in their targeting and thier editorial content;
-extremely narrowly focused magazines;
-There are 3 main types of magazines available:
  1. Consumer -consumer magazine are usually categorized according to their editorial content (eg. business,men's women's; sports;news; entertainment;)-includes titles that are read by all segments of the population
  2. farm
  3. business-to-business (B2B)-covers all titles aimed at the industrial user;
-most magazines are considered national, although city or regional publications are also classified within the consumer segment;
-As with newspapers , magazines are assessed in terms of their circulation. magazines are sold by subscription or on the newsstand;

Benefits of Magazines To Advertisers:

--Upscale audiences - favourable demographic profile of magazine readers;
- Getting Attention - reader involvement - refers to the interest the reader has in the material . both editorial and advertising; Advertisign usually complements the conhtent of the medium. People trust magazine ads, magazines allow customers to read reviews
-Longer issue life passed around; gives opportunities secondary audiences; pass-along relationship.

Drawbacks of Magazine Advertising:

-Long planning cycle -makes it difficult for advertisers to create particularly timelu or newsworthy ads;
-Reasching Readers-the increasingly targeted audicnes of magazines means that the cost of reaching 1000 memebers of the audience )CPM) is higher than that of a broader, mass madium such as TV.

5. Outdoor Billboards:

-2 main types of billboard:
  1. Poster panels -come in several sizes , named according to the number of sheets of paper originally neede to cover them (eg.8-sheets,30-sheets). Posters are found mainly in populated areas,  or near  cities and towns.
  2. Painted Bulletins - are larger boards situated along highways and major roads;
-Unlike other media that have editorial material, outdoor billboards exist solely for advertising messages.
- they are primarily a local medium , bought on a market- to- market basis, but are used by both national and local advertisers.

Benefits of Outdoor Billboards:
- Size - gets noticed;
- Mobility - painted billboards,can be moved around an area to expose more of the target to the message; outdoor messages can be designed for specifi locations, audiences or activities.
-Reaching different ethnic groups - with billboards, you can tailor your message to members of a particular ethnicl group using their own language or culture yet still reach a mass audince within a specigic market.
-Reinforcing the message - outdoor us a good supplementary medium, helping to add reach and frequency to the media schedule at a reasonable cost; frequency builds up

Drawbacks of Outdoor Billboard Advertising:
- Brief Message Exposure ;
-environmental criticism;

6. the Internet:

Benefits of the Internet to Advertisers:
-Targeted message (personalization);

Drawbacks of Internet Advertising:
- consumer irritation;

  • Alternative Forms of Communication:
-Yellow pages;
-In-store Advertising - signs and promotions, the most mesurable o all media; cheap; effective;
-Sponsorship -it involves paying an organization a fee to put a company or brand name at the head of an event or as the key sponsor of an event;
-mainly spotrs-related events;entertainment tours;festivals, fairs,
-Cause -related marketing - non-profit groups comapnies become "sponsors" of their causes.
-both nationa and local;
-Sponsorship offer an opportunity for heightened visibility thereby increasign tje chjances of shaping positive consumer attitudes;

Summary :
-before deciding which media might be best suited to achieving your plan objectivesm it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages that each type of media can offer;
-issues to be includd in the analysis include:the reach/frequency of the medium, lenght of exposure, audience involvement; clutter;targetability; and cost.

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