Knowledge of spelling petterns is not "built into" the netwerk. Nowhere within the net is there a sentence like "CO is a common begram in English: CF is not". Instead, this memory is manifest only in the fact that the CO-detector happens to be more primed than the CF-detector. The CO detector doesn't know anything about this advantage. Eech simply does its job, and in the course of doing their jobs, occasions will arise that involve a "competition" between these detectors. The network's "knowledge" is not locally represented anywhere; it is not stored in a particular location or built into a specific proces.
We need to look at the relationship between their levels of priming, and we also need to look at how this relationship will lead to one detector being more influential than the other. The knowledge about the bigram frequencies, in other words, is distributed knowledge - that is, it is represented in a fashion that's distributed across the network, and tdetectable only if we consider how the entire network functions.

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