Key points
  • Portal and collaboration software can be expensive to purchase and integrate. If you want to build a successful solution, you need a care- fully defined strategy.
  • Identify and engage key stakeholders. Make sure they are involved as core members of your project team.
  • Ensure that the SharePoint solution has a clear connection to business goals and objectives.
  • Develop a method to identify and quantify pragmatic, tangible benefits for the solution. Do not underestimate the importance of a metrics plan.
  • High-impact collaboration involves culture changes blended with the right technology. It is a small part technology and a large part business process change.
  • Software does not achieve business objectives—people do. Just because a feature can help achieve a business objective doesn’t mean it will. Incorporate an effective training and communications strategy to ensure user adoption.
  • Not all content needs to be stored in SharePoint, but all business- critical data should be accessible through your portal.
  • SharePoint 2010 provides a single platform for intranet, extranet, and Internet solutions. This allows you to extend your messaging to employees, clients, partners, prospects, and general observers—the entire extended enterprise, including the Web.

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