How do you teach language in a brain-friendly way?
1. Music alters brain chemistry. Use it to: energize, calm, increase effective functioning on tasks, call attention back, timer, etc.
2. Start sessions with a greeting, an overview or other rituals.
3. Begin each class with meaningful information and activities instead of taking attendance, making announcements etc.
4. Create positive expectations. Tell students what's in for them (outside of the classroom).
5. Give students a choice whenever possible. This way the locus of control remains with them.
6. The brain links all new information to existing knowledge. Activate preknowledge and work with with this. If necessary, supply them with the necessary background knowledge.
7. Pose a problem for the students to solve. The brain grows by trying to solve problems, not by alreading knowing the answer.
8. Use novelty in the way you present material. The brain craves for novelty.
9. Use sound.
10. Use colour and have students use colour.

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