How do you learn in a brain-friendly way?
1. Find out what you can do.
2. Recycle a lot.
3. Find out what your learning style is (VAK).
4. Use coloured pens: highligh important things and decorate to memorize.
5. Organise language/idiom in logical ways to memorize and understand.
6. Make language more digestable by dividing it into smaller parts.
7. Take the attention span into consideration: change activities, use silence, work in different groups, etc.
8. Drinking water helps concentration and prevent dehydration of the brain.
9. Link things, remind people of something, use preknowledge and recap on previously discussed things.
10. Use the alpha-brainwave state (brain is relaxed but aware) for the cognitive way, but do somthing different, e.g. at the end of the session, when the brain is calm.
11. Use mnemonics and donkey bridges.
12. Use the theta-brainwave state (brain is subconsciously working on things): remarkable things may come up. Go through your notes before you go to sleep or when you just woke up. Daydreaming students can still pick up useful information.
13. Use laughter, as this releases endorphins into the limbic system. This changes negative things into more positive things.
14. Use acting to help learning consolidation. Let strong students model for weaker ones.

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