4. Reason analogically

Analogical reasoning = the process of abstracting similar lessons from two episodes creates more generalizable insight

  • Learn from cases, simulations and real-world experiences 
  • Ask people to abstract similar lessons from different simulations-> identifying the common structure, the principle shared by both examples helps the learner form a schema that is less sensitive to the irrelevant surface or context features of the particular examples.
  • Differences and similarities across problems -> useful for transferring knowledge
  • Monty Hall & Acquiring a company problem -> think about the decision of the other person! Useful in negotiations (fixed pie problem, ultimatum games), don’t just focus on your own goals, the other person has information you don’t have
  • Specific training: learners compare two cases that illustrate the same specific strategy
  • Diverse training: they compare two cases that illustrate different value-creating strategies --> improves decision-making more than specific training

Deeper understanding, people can transfer knowledge to new cases

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