4 more explanatory approaches to the transformed agenda:

(a) Deep roots of integration (there has always been some kind of identity of interest in Europe, little wars in the 18th century)

(b) The impact of the Second World War (Turning point. POLITICAL: Shared determination to prevent Western European states from Communism, stronger voice as a community of several states in world politics, new international power balance (Soviets vs US) and ECONOMIC: Bretton Woods (IMF, World Bank), GATT (WTO=its successor), European Recovery Program (Marshall Aid), OECD, ECSC)

(c) Interdepence (especially in economic and monetary spheres; enourmously increased volume of world trade after 45, fluctuations in currency exchange rates since 70s -> economic and financial issues no longer related to national boundaries, advances in communication & travel)

(d) National Considerations (

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